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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Beading Enthusiasts Unite

I always have admired people who could make neckaces, earrings, and bracelets and I thought it was just too hard to learn how to make beautiful things. But, we were planning to go to the Tucson Gem and Mineral show again this year and I wanted to learn how so I could buy some beautiful semi precious gem beads. My goal was to make some pretty things right in the hotel room in Tucson after each night of the show because I am into instant gratification! Aren't we all?

So, I bought a kit which featured a booklet called "Jewelry Making for Dummies." In just a few hours, I learned how to make some snazzy things with the plastic beads and base metal "findings" (pieces you need to finish jewelry such as beading wire, clasps, earring wires and hooks).
What a hoot! Now I am totally hooked and have found a couple of great companies to order beads from. I really like because the postage is included in the price and there is no minimum. Another great company is They have nice gemstone beads that are color coordinated into very attractive groups. Beadaholique is also great. You can "feed your need to bead" there. Great findings and easy to find items on their site or at including the tools you will need like cutters, pliers and special gizmos that turn a crimping tube into a bead. What a country!

The kit is available at Joann's or Trust me, this is something you can teach yourself. After that, all you need to do is find money to spend and friends to give your jewelry creations to. The former is harder than the latter.



AFlyOnTheWall said...

Welcome to the addiction...for gemstone, glass & metal beads you should check out Magpie Gemstones...beautiful stuff at great prices!

Robyn Hawk
Tucson Gem Show - Live
Jewelry & Gem Artists
Fly On The Wall-Views/Reviews
Now You've Done It...You're On My List

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." -Goethe

Dave Robertson said...

Hey, Renee,

Heh heh heh, another one converted to beading! Warning, it can become a mad obsession. (Beading enthusiasts untie?)

Rings & Things also goes to the Tucson show every year, so come on over to our booth and say hi. Tell our people Dave sent you and to give you extra candy. :)

In the meantime you might enjoy checking out our offerings ( online. We have a summer catalog supplement coming out in a few days...

Keep on beading!

at Rings and Things