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Sunday, May 11, 2014

YouTube to the Rescue...Photo Restoration Hints Eleven


YouTube to the rescue.  I have a friend who told me recently that it was too hard to use YouTube to learn something new in Photoshop....That is entirely possible if you get onto YouTube without a specific photo restoration learning goal in mind.  Many times I sign on and then continue to the next video until I am researching water on Mars.

YouTube is a fantastic learning device for learning how to restore photos.  Remember, teaching Photoshop and Learning Photoshop is an industry in itself.  I truly believe that one person could never learn all there is to know on Photoshop.  There are tons of seminars and classes to choose from and you could spend a great deal of time becoming an "expert" in that world.

However, you don't have time to become the end all, know all expert in Photoshop because you want to correct errors in pictures and impress your friends and customers.  Come on....we all know you want those "tears" of happiness like I do.

So you go into YouTube with a specific mission...Let's say you want to learn about layers and you have absolutely no clue what a layer is.  Photoshop tries to make it easier by calling and adjustment a layer such as brightening up the contrast or enhancing the color.  However, when it came to understanding layers beyond that point, I was lost.

I am going to point you to a YouTube video that really jump starts the whole idea by explaining layers by using text and background layers.  If you like this one, there is a part two...    I like this one because he shows you how to use the selection tool to move the layers around and how to work with the layers in the layers area of the workspace.  Just watch this one a couple of times just to get the idea...they use Photoshop 5.  Don't worry about the buttons so much as to understand the concept.

Next week we will talk more about layers ... subscribe to my blog and I'll be easier to find.  Thank you for watching....Renee :-)

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