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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Drop Box and other Cloud Storage Photo Restoration Hints Part Six

Last week I told the "control freaks" how one of their own saves her files in 3 different ways on the premises.

If you have a safe deposit box, or a safe, be sure to take advantage of placing one of the hard drives there.  Safe deposit boxes seem to have a controlled humidity in Southern California and I have not had any problem with moisture.  However, I tried storing one in a floor safe I had at home and had a disaster with moisture.  I am not sure it was because I shampooed my carpet and the moisture wicked up into the safe or that it just wasn't a good safe to begin with.  In any event,  check your situation out and make sure you are prepared.

I won't scare anyone now about getting a lead bag or Farraday contraption for avoiding  the terrorizing thought of an EMP strike.  I think I don't want to think about that....  Maybe we will be relying on those paper copies we made for our customers if that happens.  :-)....

So now, on to cloud storage.  There are a lot of sites out there for and many others that have 5 gigabytes or so of  free storage.  When I do work for business customers, I use DropBox mainly because it is a simple to use and reliable site.  You can have a lot of space for free by asking your business associates to sign up with you and share a folder.  You can both see what is there and can copy to or take from the folder.  Each new person you add to your account adds storage to your limit.

I made the mistake of paying about $100.00 a year to an external site that was great but it was just more than I wanted to spend for other people's stuff  that may never be needed again.  DropBox works great for sharing proofs with web savvy, cloud storage accepting clients.  It's just one more way to get the job done.  I do watermark my work, however, because I want to get my money before I give the picture to the third party.  Another way is to upload the proof to your website as I do...customers get a big thrill out of seeing the before and after on your site.  It is an easy way to show them the result and "show off" your work at the same time.    Do you have website skills?

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