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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Traveling with your camera...extra little post...

Traveling in different countries taught me how much alike we all are.  My favorite college professor, Dr. Dina Stallings referred to us as the family of man.  When you have an opportunity to travel you find so many opportunities to take pictures with the local people.  Do some reading about the people and their customs before you go. There are so many books that talk about how to avoid being an ugly American when you travel.

One of the things you need to know about in Peru is to give a "regalo", a "gift" to the people in tourist areas who take the trouble to dress up and bring their animals for posing with you.  For a couple of dollars given after the picture, and a nice big thank you and smile, you have a pretty picture like this.
Some would say that this is a cheesy picture but I got to hold a baby llama and I will never forget that wonderful experience.  There are lots of precious experiences, even on a guided tour.

One more really have to rely on body language when you encounter people from other countries.  I remember the frowns I got in St. Petersburg Russia when I tried to buy water with British pounds because I had  no local currency left.   I came back with my palms outstretched with all the coins we had in our pockets and an innocent smile that said...I am really thirsty can you please help me out?  Well, they found enough for the water and I will never forget the kindness I got back when they handed me that nice cold bottle of water.  Remember  to bring your smile with you when you travel anywhere!

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