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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Don't Buy Delta Airlines "Eats"

Back in the old days, airlines had leg room and used to feed you "airline food."
OK...this is going to sound weird, but I really liked airline food. No one else liked it from what I heard from everyone...

However, I feel that I need to make a Public Service Announcement about Delta's "Eat Right" Menu. Some chef named Todd English let Delta Airlines use his picture (in a chef's outfit) and name to lull helpless, hungry passengers into paying $8.00 for a Chicken Parmesan Sandwich. The nice "EATS" menu touts it as a "mouth-watering Parmesan Breaded Chicken Breast, Marinated Mozarella slices, Basil Pesto with parsley, and Tomato Sauce on a Rosemary Ciabatta Roll." Sounds nice, doesn't it?

But, passenger beware. It should be billed as "Ice cold maybe chicken, crusted with something (don't ask me) with a large lump of maybe tofu or maybe cheese on a very hard, very cold roll." Fortunately, it is wrapped in biodegradable paper and that is a good thing because you have a "green" way to hand it back to the flight attendant after that first careless bite. Speaking of green, you can use the handy air sick bag in the seat pocket in front of you to dispose of that bite you so trustingly made.

Oh started with such promise when Delta issued their press release.
Thank goodness the crackers and sodas are still free.

Delta Food Press Release

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Deer Bite

I was thinking about Japan last year and how much fun I had--except for the unfortunate deer bite at Nara Park. They just love tourists who buy the special deer cookies. Now I know why the locals don't even pay attention to them.

I'd feed them again, but this time I would get a running head start on them when I began to run low on cookies.

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